
Yoga is Self Transformation and Self Control & when this transformation is accomplished you see yourself and the world in a happy & harmonious state.

Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha mokshayaho…

As the Mind… So the Man… bondage or liberation are in your own mind. If you feel bounded you are bounded, if you feel liberated you are liberated. The world outside is based on your thoughts &mental attitude. The entire world is your own projection. The whole science of Yoga is based on controlling the modifications of mind. If you can control the rising of mind into ripples you will experience YOGA…

There are various paths of yoga like Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Dnyana Yoga… which all aim for ultimate freedom from misery & attain liberation.

Yoga is the art of living in awareness & bliss and this is the key to the science of holistic living. From unreal to real ,from darkness to light, from death to mortality this ancient vedic impulse opened the way of yoga’s development as it is the slimming of pain & sufferings and attainment of bliss & harmony… the inherent nature of ‘Atman’.